Using Domino Effect, How to Create a Chain Reaction Of Good Habits

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“Yes, I know you might be wondering how a small habit like drinking water after waking up can make your life better. But remember, every good thing in life starts with one small step. So, take action and start doing that one thing. It will definitely bring change, as this is also scientifically proven, known as the domino effect.”

The domino effect is when one small good action causes another, and then more, like a chain. This blog will show you how to start simple good habits that can make your life better and help you feel happier.

Start with One Small Habit

To start the chain of good habits, you just need to set up one small habit that you perform every day to make it a routine in your day-to-day life. It can be as small as it appears, like drinking a cup of warm water after waking up in the morning. The main part is to pick any small habit that you can do every day. As the famous writer Sean Covey said, ‘We become what we repeatedly do.

For example, Robin Sharma, a writer, never used to make her bed. One day, she decided to try making it every morning. After just four days, she found herself doing other small tasks too, like picking up clothes from bed and organizing her kitchen. That simple habit of making her bed started a chain reaction, leading her to develop other good habits.

The Domino Effect

The domino effect is like a chain reaction. When you start doing one good thing, it can lead to other positive changes. Just like when you push over one domino and it causes the rest to fall, one small habit can trigger a series of improvements in your life.

You might have noticed this in your own life. If you regularly go to the gym (or are involved in physical activity, for example playing any outdoor games like badminton, cricket or doing yoga everyday in the morning) , you might find that you sleep better, concentrate more at work, studies and choose healthier foods. All these changes can happen with little extra effort because one positive habit sets off a chain of good things. This is the essence of the domino effect.

“How the Domino Effect Works in Different Context”

how domino effect works in real life

1. COVID-19 Pandemic: The Covid-19 pandemic and specially the 2020 Lockdown is a great example of how the domino effect works in the economy. When lockdown  began, many businesses had to close, which led to people losing their jobs and spending less money because their earning gone down, This slowdown spread to other areas like travel, hotels, and shopping. As a result, the stock market dropped, supply chains were disturbed, and economic inequality grew—all starting from the first lockdowns.

2. Social Issues :- The world is so interconnected, irrespective of any issues. If a sudden problem occurs in one part of the world, it can impact the other side of the world. In this blog, we will discuss about various social issues and search how they are interconnected with each other.

    • Unemployment and Poverty :- When people lose their jobs, it’s not just about losing money. Unemployment can cause a chain reaction. For example, when someone loses his/her job, it directly impacts on their daily finances, they starts getting cut their basic needs because of money and they also may struggle to pay rent or buy food, which can lead to poverty. This, can also might affect their mental health and their children’s education, causing even more problems. So, the issue like unemployment can lead to many other social issues like their children’s education and importantly the person’s mental state too.
    • Health and Access to Care :- If someone can’t afford to see a doctor, a small health issue could become a big one. For example, a minor illness might turn serious if not treated early. This could prevent them from working, supporting their family, or even taking part in normal activities. Lack of healthcare doesn’t just affect the person—it can lead to bigger problems for families and communities too.
    • Education and Inequality :- Education is another area where the domino effect can be seen. If a child doesn’t get a good education, it limits their future job options and not only stops future job options, but also it impacts the mindset of that person because education is not about job options but it opens the broad perspective about life, business and job as well, and then Without a good job or without that perspective, they might earn less money and struggle to break free from poverty. This cycle of poor education and low income can continue for generations. A lack of education often leads to inequality, affecting areas like health and job opportunities.
    • Crime and Community Safety :- When people don’t have jobs or enough money, basically whenever they don’t have work to do, then they will find some way to make money sometimes this is the way to crime like robbery, snatching and stealing, just to survive this is because of the famous saying that “Empty Mind Devils Home”. This can be seen in many places, like some countries in Africa. As crime increases, people feel unsafe and scared to go outside. Businesses may close, and the whole neighborhood can become less safe. So, a problem like poverty can lead to crime, affecting everyone in the community.
    • Environmental Issues :- Environmental problems also create a domino effect. For example, cutting down too many trees can lead to animals losing their homes, changes in the weather, and even floods. For Example How Global Warming is happening is a perfect example of dominos effect, Global warming triggers a chain reaction where rising temperatures of the earth cause glaciers to melt, which leads to higher sea levels. This, in turn, increases the risk of flooding in coastal areas. Flooding and warmer temperatures disrupt natural habitats and wildlife which leads to endangerment of many species which is directly impacting the food chain and Eco system of the environment, which can lead to more frequent and severe weather events like storms and droughts. These changes can also hurt local farmers, leading to food shortages and financial problems for people in the area. One environmental issue can spark many others, impacting everyday life for many people.

social issues around domino effect


  • Origin of the Term: The term “domino effect” comes from the game of dominoes. In the game, when you tip over one tile, it makes all the other tiles fall one after another. People began using this idea to explain how one small action can lead to a series of other actions, just like falling tiles in the game. The concept was first used metaphorically in political discussions during the mid-20th century mainly in the United States.


  • Encouraging Positive Change: The domino effect is often talked about in self-help and productivity because it shows that even small actions can lead to big changes over time. It encourages people to start with small steps, knowing that being consistent can lead to big improvements.


In the Hindu Literature, Sundara Kanda, written by Valmiki and later rewritten by Tulsidas, there is a saying: “Where there is wisdom, there is wealth; where there is foolishness, there are problems.” This means that good qualities lead to success, while bad qualities lead to difficulties.

Today, time is very valuable. Every second you waste can cost you more time and money than you might think. So, it’s important to make smart choices. Darwin said that only the fittest survive, but I believe that only the wisest will truly succeed. Life is like a chain—make sure your chain is built with good and wise decisions. This way, you can reduce regrets and increase your chances of success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Kaizen?

Kaizen is a Japanese approach that means “change for the better” or “continuous improvement.” It’s about constantly making small improvements and involves everyone in a company, from top managers to regular employees, working together to make things better.

Q: What is the Two-Minute Rule?

The Two-Minute Rule is a productivity technique that advises you to handle any task that takes two minutes or less immediately. The idea is to prevent procrastination and reduce mental clutter by finishing these small tasks right away, instead of delaying them or adding them to a to-do list.

Q: Butterfly Effect vs Domino Effect

Butterfly Effect :- A small action can lead to a big result. The name comes from the idea that if a butterfly Swinging its wings in Brazil, it will definitely cause a tornado in Texas, It shows that how the world is now interconnected means each and everything is interconnected with each other, a very famous meteorologist Edward Lorenz discovered this Effect in late 1960s, that eventually said how small changes can lead to bigger impacts or results.
Both the effects are working on the same principle of how small changes can have bigger impacts but both have different mechanisms.


  • Psychology Today. (2020). “The Domino Effect: How Small Changes Lead to Big Results.”
    Link to Article.
  • Harvard Business Review. (2019). “How to Use the Domino Effect to Boost Your Productivity.”
    Link to Article.
  • Journal of Behavioral Medicine. (2015). “The Role of Small Behavioral Changes in Long-Term Health Improvement.”
    Link to Study.
  • Wikipedia. “Domino Effect.”
    Link to Wikipedia Page.
  • James Clear. “Atomic Habits: Insights and Resources.”
    Link to James Clear’s Website.
  • YouTube Playlist Length Calculator. “How the YouTube Playlist Length Calculator Boosts Productivity: Case Studies.”
    Link to Article.
  • National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). (2016). “Behavioral Change: Guidelines and Recommendations.”
    Link to Guidelines.

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